Thursday, March 5, 2015

In and about Oahu Feb 23

After about a 250 mi sail from the port of Hilo. We arrived at the port of Honolulu. Honolulu is on the south of the Island of Oahu.

We got a bus ride to the Waikiki Beach area. 

Then we took a shuttle boat out to where the submarines were working. The second image is of Ann on the shuttle boat with Oahu in the background.                

The third image is Ann and Michelangelo (yes we take a stuffed animal with us on many of our trips, including the cruises - Michelangelo has other pictures cross posted on the stuffed animal blog).  They are getting off the shuttle boat and onto the submarine.

The submarine goes down to about 120' below the ocean surface.  

The submarine has windows to look out of and see the fishes and reefs and so on (fourth image). The company that operates the submarines has sunk some boats in the waters in this area to provide artificial reefs because it makes the ride more interesting (many fish like reefs because it gives them some protection against predator fish).


The light in the submarine looks blue because of a color distortion that happens when you are that far below the ocean floor.  The only light in the sub is the natural light and the water above the sub attenuates the longer wavelengths (red light has a longer wavelength, about 650 nanometers, than blue, which is about 480 nanometers).

The final image shows the submarine fully surfaced.  

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